Modeling of photovoltaic systems using Matlab: simplified green codes [Video]

Tamer Khatib | 17.05.2016 | 16:00 Uhr | B04 L4.1.114

Abstract: This book presents simplified coded models for photovoltaic (PV)-based systems using MATLAB to help readers understand the dynamic behavior of these systems. Through the use of MATLAB, the reader has the ability to modify system configuration, parameters, and optimization criteria. Topics covered include energy sources, storage, and power electronic devices. The book contains six chapters that cover systems’ components from the solar source to the end user. Chapter 1 discusses modeling of the solar source, and Chapter 2 discusses modeling of the PV source. Chapter 3 focuses on modeling of PV systems’ power electronic features and auxiliary power sources. Modeling of PV systems’ energy flow is examined in Chapter 4, while Chapter 5 discusses PV systems in electrical power systems. Chapter 6 presents an application of PV system models in systems’ size optimization. Common control methodologies applied to these systems are also modeled in this book.

  • Covers the basic models of the whole PV power system, enabling the reader modify the models to provide different sizing and control methodologies
  • Examines auxiliary components to PV systems, including wind turbines, diesel generators, and pumps
  • Contains examples, drills, and codes Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems Using MATLAB: Simplified Green Codes is a reference for researchers, students, and engineers who work in the field of renewable energy, and specifically in PV systems.


Tamer T.N. Khatib, Biography
Latest update:May,2016

Tamer is a photovoltaic power systems professional. He holds a B.Sc. degree in electrical power systems from An-Najah National University, Palestine as well as a M.Sc. degree and a Ph.D degree in photovoltaic power systems from National University of Malaysia, Malaysia. In addition he holds Habilitation (the highest academic degree in German speaking countries) in Renewable and sustainable energy from Alpen Adria Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria. Currently he is an Assistant professor of renewable energy at An-Najah National University.
So far, he has 2 patents, 3 books and 90 research articles, while  his current h-index is 17. He has lectured 20 courses for undergraduate students, supervised 4 Ph.D researches, 4 master researches and 25 bachelor researches.
He is a senior member of IEEE, IEEE Power and Energy Society, The International Solar Energy society, Jordanian Engineers Association, Palestinian Solar and Sustainable Energy Association and International Association of Engineers.
His research interests mainly fall in the scope of photovoltaic systems and solar energy fundamentals. These interests include PV systems design and optimization, modeling and control of PV systems, hybrid PV/Wind systems, hybrid PV/diesel systems, Grid connected PV systems, sun trackers, MPPT technology, inverters in PV system, solar chargers, batteries and charge controllers, solar energy fundamentals, solar energy prediction, AI applications for solar energy and PV systems, wind power systems, wind chargers, wind energy modeling and prediction.​

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