Aggregates in Answer Set Programming

Well-studied and commonly used in database query languages, aggregates form an intuitive means of representing knowledge. Since logic programs can be viewed as a database query language, it is natural to consider aggregates also in their context. However, logic programs allow for recursive specifications, which are either disallowed or allowed only in a restricted form in most database query languages. It turns out that aggregates used in connection with recursion raise a number of semantic issues, some of them reminiscent of issues with the semantics of negation, a hot topic in logic programming about three decades ago. One of the semantics for logic programs with negation that emerged and has proved itself to be viable is the stable model semantics or answer set semantics. In this talk we will show how ideas from this semantics can be transferred to programs with aggregates, what issues arise when doing so, and what options there are to overcome these. Furthermore, we will outline properties of the resulting semantics and the availability of system support. Finally, we show that all of these considerations are not really limited to aggregates, but more general constructs, such as those found in HEX programs or description logic programs.

Wolfgang Faber serves as Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Huddersfield (UK). Before that, he was a Reader at the same university, an Associate Professor at the University of Calabria (Italy), and an Assistant Professor at the Vienna University of Technology, where he also obtained his PhD in 2002. From 2004 to 2006 he was on an APART grant of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His general research interests are in knowledge representation, logic programming, nonmonotonic reasoning, planning, and knowledge-based agents. He has published more than 100 refereed articles in major journals, collections and conference proceedings in these areas. He is one of the architects of DLV, a state-of-the-art system for computing answer sets of disjunctive deductive databases, which is used all over the world. He has acted as a chair for several workshops and conferences, and has been on the program committees of many of the major conferences of his research areas, and has served on the editorial board and as a reviewer for many journals and conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, and Logic Programming.


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Dealing with Temporal Business Processes: from Medical Applications to Checking Dynamic Controllability


Business Process (BP) technology has emerged as one of the leading technologies in modeling, redesigning, and executing organisational processes in several different application domains. Among them, the representation and management of health and clinical processes have been attracting a growing interest. Such processes are in general related to the way each health organization provides the required healthcare services. Health and clinical processes underlie the specification and application of clinical protocols, clinical guidelines, clinical pathways, and the most common clinical/administrative procedures. Current BP systems are lacking in effective management of three general key aspects that are common (not only) in the clinical/health context: data dependencies, exception handling, and temporal constraints.
In this talk we will first introduce and discuss recent advances in business process modeling with respect to the healthcare/medical domain. Then, we will introduce some recent results on algorithms for checking temporal properties of business processes in presence of explicit temporal constraints among tasks.

Bio Carlo Combi:Combi

In 1987 he received the Laurea Degree in E.E. by the Politecnico of Milan. In 1993 he received the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering. Since November 2001, he is with the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona: from November 2001 to February 2005, he was Associate Professor of Computer Science; since March 2005, he is Professor of Computer Science. From October 2007 to September 2012 he was head of the Computer Science Department. Main research interests are related to the database and information system field, with an emphasis on the management of clinical information. The two main areas are temporal information systems (time-oriented data and process modelling) and multimedia databases. He is author of more than 100 papers published on international journals and proceedings of international conferences. He is author, with Elpida Keravnou – University of Cyprus and Yuval Shahar – Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, of the book „Temporal Information Systems in Medicine“, Springer, 2010. He is involved in the scientific activity of several scientific international journals and conferences. Since January 1999 he is editorial Board Member, journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Since July 2009 he is chair of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Society (AIME). He is guest editor of several special issues of international journals (Methods of Information in Medicine, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Computers in Biology and Medicine, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology).

Bio Roberto Posenato:

He took a degree in Computer Science in 1991 and a doctor’s degree in Computational Mathematics in 1996 at the University of Milan (Italy). Since November 2000, he is assistant professor at the same department. He has been lecturerPosenato for some courses in the theory of algorithms and computational complexity since 1996. Main research interests are related to approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, with emphasis for graph-based problems; moreover, he is interested into the study of time reasoning in workflow/business process systems and in temporal constraint networks. He is reviewer for national and international journals, magazines, and conferences and he has been involved in several national research projects.

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Why do smart systems need telecommunications? Opportunities for advances in communication technology

Antrittsvorlesung von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea M. Tonello | 23. Juni 2015 | 17 Uhr c.t. im HS 2

ANDREA M. TONELLO received the laurea in electrical engineering (1996) and the Ph.D in telecommunications (2003) from the University of Padova, Italy. On February 1997, he joined Lucent Technologies where he worked on cellular communications in the Bell Labs Advanced Wireless Technology Laboratory, Whippany, NJ. He was promoted to technical manager in 2002 and appointed managing director of the Bell Labs Italy di- vision. In January 2003, he joined the Uni- versity of Udine, Italy. He became aggregate professor in 2005 and associate professor in 2014. Herein, he founded the Wireless and Power Line Communications Lab and the spin-off company WiTiKee. He was awarded the Italian full professor habilitation in 2013. In September 2014, he became full professor at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria, where he chairs the group on Embedded Communication Systems.

His research focuses on wireless and power line communications, embed- ded and smart systems. He received the Bell Labs Recognition of Excellence award (2003), the Distinguished Visiting Fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (2010) and the Distinguished Lecturer Award by the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (2011-15). He is the co-recipient of five best paper awards. He was the general chair of IEEE ISPLC 2011 and IEEE Smart- GridComm 2014. He serves as an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications and IEEE Access. He is the chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Power Line Communications.


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Lehre, Forschung und Think Tank für die Industrie

Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 20.30.34Mittlerweile schon ein Fixtermin im Juni, findet auch heuer wieder die TeWi-Veranstaltung „Lehre, Forschung und Think Tank für die Industrie“ in Kooperation mit der Industriellenvereinigung Kärnten am 25.6. ab 16 Uhr statt.

Die Welt der Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften soll sichtbar gemacht werden, sichtbar für die Industrie, die Wirtschaft, die Politik, für Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Universität Klagenfurt und all ihren Studierenden. Es wird aufgezeigt wie wichtig das Studium technischer Berufe ist und wie groß der Durst der Wirtschaft nach jungen Technikerinnen und Technikern in unserem Bundesland und auch im Rest Österreichs ist. Kaum eine Studienrichtung hat solch eine geringe Arbeitslosenquote vorzuweisen wie technische Studiengänge. Kärnten ist dabei sich als hervorragender Standort für Technologie zu etablieren, doch das geht nur indem man genug geeignetes Personal vorfindet.

Mit ständig steigenden Studierendenzahlen ist die TeWi dabei genau diesen Weg möglich zu machen und die Zukunft Kärntens mit zu gestalten. Dekan Gerhard Friedrich meint dazu, dass „…wir gar nicht so viele Absolventinnen und Absolventen produzieren können, wie von der Wirtschaft gebraucht werden“ aber die Kapazitäten wären ausreichend die Zahl erheblich zu steigern.

Wie in jedem Jahr, werden auch heuer wieder die besten studentischen Leistungen an unserer Fakultät belohnt. Die jeweils besten Studenten aus den Studienrichtungen Informatik, Informationsmanagement, Informationstechnik und technische Mathematik, ebenso wie die beste Masterarbeit des Jahres, werden mit Urkunden und Geldpreisen bedacht.

logo bitmovin_transparentDie Verflechtung der TeWi mit der Kärntner Wirtschaft ist sehr gut was Grundlagenforschung, Problemlösungen und Expertisen angeht. Natürlich sind darüber hinaus aus unserer Fakultät auch schon einige Unternehmen hervorgegangen die sich äußerst erfolgreich am Markt behaupten. In diesem Jahr werfen wir bei unserer Veranstaltung einen Blick auf „bitmovin“, die von TeWi-Absolventen Stefan Lederer, Christopher Müller und TeWi-Kollegen Christian Timmerer gegründet wurde. Die Firma bietet die weltweit schnellsten Lösungen im Bereich des Online-Streamings an und hat Partner überall auf dem Globus.

Die Kollegen Markus Zanker und Mathias Lux werden Einblicke in ihre Forschungsarbeit geben und kurze Präsentationen zu den Themen „Online Empfehlungssysteme – Funktionsweise und Wirkung“ bzw. „Bildsuche: Von der Forschung zur praktischen Anwendung“ halten. Wir bieten unseren Gästen auch die Möglichkeit sich aktiv in die Forschung einzubringen und eine kurze Fahrt in unserem Fahrsimulator zu absolvieren. Dabei messen wir Herzfrequenz, Transpiration und Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit der Probanden und können so Rückschlüsse auf den Stresslevel der Fahrer ziehen.

Um den Stresspegel danach wieder zu senken, stellen wir ein reichhaltiges Buffet zur Verfügung und laden all unsere Gäste zu einem gemütlichen Fingerfood Networking ein.

Das genaue Programm finden Sie hier in der offiziellen Einladung. Wir freuen uns sie alle bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen und bitten um Anmeldung unter

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Rückblick: Empirical Results on Cloning and Clone Detection [Slides]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Prof. Stefan Wagner am 1.6.2015 beinhaltet die Folien:

Abstract: Cloning means the use of copy-paste as method in developing software artefacts. This practice has several problems, such as unnecessary increase of these artefacts, and thereby increased comprehension and change efforts, as well as potential inconsistencies. The automatic detection of clones has been a topic for research for several years now and we have made huge progress in terms of precision and recall. This led to a series of empirical analyses we have performed on the effects and the amount of cloning in code, models and requirements. We continue to investigate the effects of cloning and work on extending clone detection to functionally similar code. This talk will give insights into how clone detection works and the empirical results we have gathered.

Short CV: Stefan Wagner is full professor for software engineering at the University of Stuttgart. He holds a PhD in computer science from TU Munich, where he also worked as a post-doc. His main research interests are quality engineering, requirements engineering, agile software development and safety engineering; all tackled using empirical research.

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