3rd Klagenfurt Game Jam

bunny-look-leftApril 15-17, 2016, Klagenfurt, Austria


The 3rd Klagenfurt Game Jam is open to everyone who likes games and wants to create, test and talk about games. Starting on Friday the topic will be revealed to all participants and the next 48 hours are about making it happen.

The 3rd Klagenfurt Game Jam is open to everyone who likes games and wants to create, test and talk about games. Starting on Friday the topic will be revealed to all participants at the same time and random groups will brainstorm games. Then, after the ideas are pitched, team will emerge around ideas and games are to be created. Finally, on Sunday, the projects are presented to a jury and a price for the most awesome project is awarded.

The game jam is not restricted to game designers or programmers, but is open to everyone who wants to build games. Each team is in desperate need for visual and audio artist, animation experts, web page writers, storytellers, testers, …

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