Intelligent Agile Method Framework


The use of software development methods (SDM) in software industry proves beneficial as it contributes to higher quality of both, the process and its product, i.e. the developed software. Despite these evident benefits, the studies on the maturity of the software development discipline show that a large percent of software development companies do not have their SDMs documented and those that have, do not really follow them or do not follow them rigorously. This problem has been recognized as one of the key reasons for failures in software development projects and a contributor to the low quality of software. In this talk I will introduce a novel approach that could help to improve the maturity of software development processes. The approach is based on the method engineering principles taking into account the limitations that hinder its use in practice. The main objective of our research is to show that the method engineering concepts which have been developed in the last few decades but never really penetrated to practice are applicable in real settings and that could contribute to software industry.

About the Speaker:

Marko Bajec is an Associate Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science. He is a member of the Department for Informatics where he delivers courses on Information Systems and Databases. Marko’s research interests mostly focus on IS Development and IT Governance. Since 2009, he has been on the position of the Head of the Laboratory for Data Technologies where he manages research in data technologies in relation to IS development and management. In his past research Marko has developed different approaches and methods that help measuring, formalizing, and improving software development processes. For his achievements in transferring knowledge to industry he has got several awards and recognitions. Marko Bajec is vice-president of Slovenian society INFORMATICA and Slovenian representative of IFIP TC 2 – Software: Theory and Practice. He is also a founder and co-owner of the university spin-off Optilab, which has become the leading Slovenian provider of solutions and services for fraud management in the insurance business.

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