Visual Processing with Humans in the Loop

Abstract: It is now well known that many problems in image understanding and multimedia content analysis can benefit from human computations and crowdsourcing techniques. In this talk, we’ll first examine a few influential works from the literature where explicit tasks are performed by motivated workers (through altruistic incentives or personal enjoyment) and then combined with content analysis methods. In the second part of the presentation, our recent results on ‘zoomable video players’ will be briefly presented. These examples particularly highlight the use of implicit tasks to naturally infer knowledge about the visual or multimedia content.Charvillat

Short-CV: Vincent CHARVILLAT received the Eng. degree in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from ENSEEIHT, Toulouse France and the M.Sc. in Computer Science  from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, both in 1994. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse in 1997. He is currently a full professor at the University of Toulouse, IRIT research lab, ENSEEIHT Eng. School. Vincent CHARVILLAT is the head of  VORTEX research team at ENSEEIHT. His main research interests are visual processing and multimedia applications. Current topics of research include visual object processing, visual compositing, visual interaction design and crowdsourcing in multimedia.


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