Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Karel Fliegel, Czech Technical University in Prague am 23.11.2012 beinhaltet die Folien:
Abstract: Success of current and future developments in QoE largely depends on availability of proper multimedia content. One of the goals within the interests of the COST Action IC1003 QUALINET and its Working Group 4 (Databases and Validation) is to create rich and internationally recognized database of content of different sorts and take the steps to make it accessible to all researchers. In this talk we will give an overview of current status of this effort with brief description of currently available databases and explanation on how these databases can be used for QoE evaluations and benchmarking. Moreover, we will focus on the Qualinet Databases online tool as Qualinet’s main resource for sharing of the datasets among Qualinet members and scientific community.
CV: Karel Fliegel (born in 1979) received his Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering, specialization in audiovisual technology, from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic in 2004 and Ph.D. from the same university in 2011. Currently he holds a position
of assistant professor in the Multimedia Technology Group (MMTG) at the CTU in Prague. His research interests include image processing, imaging systems, image and video compression, QoE in multimedia systems. He is a deputy leader in WG 4 (Databases and Validation) of COST Action IC1003 QUALINET.