Digital Signal Processing for Color Sensing Integrated System

Mustafa Alkhazraji | Thursday, 24th September 2015 | 11.00 am | B04, L4101

Abstract: The tremendous growth of mass applications such as digital cameras, Liquid-Crystal displays (LCD), Light Emission Diode (LED) displays and smart phones is due to the low cost of the integrated sensor manufacturing. Color sensors like CMOS photosensors are used as the main part of different applications. In this research, a fully integrated photo sensor in standard CMOS technology is presented, which enables light spectral analysis in the visible light range without additional optional component such as color filters. A new CMOS photo sensor has been proposed as a low cost alternative solution for the color sensing applications. The aim of this research is to investigate and implement integrated Digital Signal Processor (DSP) device as a complementary part of the proposed CMOS color sensor. The DSP has been designed to reconstruct and match the non-ideal output signals from the new CMOS color sensor structure with the tristimulus values X, Y and Z (color standards) by using linear transformation. The implemented design has been analyzed and verified at each stage of the work, using MATLAB, Modelsim from MentoGraphics, Design Compiler from Synopsys and Velocity/Encounter from Cadence Design Systems. In the end, the final layout of the design has been presented. Finally, due to the implementation of the DSP, a high number of sensor output signals enable the high accuracy of the colorimetric measurement by using pseudo-inverse matrix. Furthermore, the number of the word length has been used to represent the photosensor output signals and the linear transformation matrix. The latter is directly proportional to the measured tristimulus values X, Y and Z as well as the power and the silicon-chip area.

Keywords: Color sensor, CMOS technology, Digital Signal Processor, Integrated sensor, Color standards.

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