MPEG-DASH Spatial Relationship Description

Omar Aziz Niamut | TNO | May 10, 2016 | 16:30 | Seeparkhotel (co-located with

Abstract: This talk presents the Spatial Representation Description (SRD) feature of the second amendment of MPEG DASH standard part 1, 23009-1:2014. SRD is an approach for streaming only spatial sub-parts of a video to display devices, in combination with the form of adaptive multi-rate streaming that is intrinsically supported by MPEG DASH. The SRD feature extends the Media Presentation Description (MPD) of MPEG DASH by describing spatial relationships between associated pieces of video content. This enables the DASH client to select and retrieve only those video streams at those resolutions that are relevant to the user experience. The paper describes the design principles behind SRD, the different possibilities it enables and examples of how SRD was used in different experiments on interactive streaming of ultra-high resolution video.

Niamut_Omar_smallBio: Omar Aziz Niamut is a senior research scientist at the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), working on shared interactive and immersive media delivery. He received MSc. (2001) and PhD. (2006) degrees from Delft university of Technology. In 2007, he advised and reported to the European Parliament and the European Commission on the harmonisation of mobile TV. From 2008-2010, he made over 300 standardization contributions to ETSI TISPAN and advised the Singapore government on the use of IPTV standards. In 2007, he was the technical lead for one of the world’s first user trial of social TV services and in 2014, he led a joint effort with the BBC towards the world’s first live tiled streaming of UHD video to end users. He has been active as work package lead in EU FP7 projects FascinatE, STEER and EXPERIMEDIA. He has presented at international industry events such as Broadband Home Forum, International Broadcast Convention, IPTV Seminar and IPTV World Forum, NEM Summit and Future Internet Assembly. He is an expert reviewer for the IWT funded iMinds ICON programme and a NEM ETP Steering Board member. He is author of multiple journal papers and conference publications in the fields of audio coding, interactive IPTV services and immersive media, filed 20 patent applications, contributed a chapter to a book on Social TV and co-edited a book on format-agnostic media. He has been serving as Co-chair and main organizer of the WSICC workshop 2013 and 2015, the workshop series (2013, 2014) on cross-breeding social networks and networked media in the Future Internet, and has been appointed as General Co-chair for ACM TVX 2017, the prime venue for publishing research related to TV and online video experiences.

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