How software systems of the future will manage themselves

Alois Reitbauer |  August 23, 2018 | 15:00 | E.2.42


You may have heard of autonomous self-driving cars, but what is autonomous self-driving software. Dynatrace has been running their software systems following a NoOps approach for several years now. Based on their experience they have developed a new approach to manage software applications using concepts like unbreakable delivery pipelines and self-healing deployments. Learn what is behind the idea of NoOps and how to build applications that run and manage themselves, what can be built today and what the future will bring.


Alois Reitbauer is the Chief Technology Strategist of Dynatrace and leads the Dynatrace innovation lab. Alois has successfully developed several solutions in the application performance management space and brought them to market. Currently he is working with his team on building autonomous software systems that manage themselves. Alois is further interested in the impact of new collaboration technologies like voice or Augmented Reality. In both areas he currently works with customers to develop market-ready products. Alois is also a frequent speaker at technology conferences and the chair of the W3C Distributed Tracing working group.

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