Forgetful, shortsighted demons in wireless communications (in Kooperation mit der Lakeside Labs GmbH)

Harun Siljak, PhD | February 26, 2019 | 15:30 | B04.1.114 (Lakeside B04, Eingang b, 1. Stock)


The common theme of results presented in this talk is control of complex systems in wireless communications subject to information loss, either because of noise/equipment limitations or because of the controller’s inability to wait long enough or see far enough. Can we reconstruct the past and/or predict the future based on imperfect information and why would we want to do it in the first place?


Harun Siljak obtained his BoE and MoE degrees in control engineering from University of Sarajevo in 2010 and 2012, respectively, and his PhD in electrical engineering from International Burch University Sarajevo in 2015. After working at International Burch University and Bell Labs Ireland, he joined Trinity College Dublin as an EDGE Marie Curie Fellow in 2017 to work on his project on complexity and control in distributed massive MIMO. His research interests include physics of computation, reversibility, wave propagation and nonlinear dynamics. His other interests include popular science and science fiction writing, as well as collaborations with artists and writers.

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