Catalysts Coding Contest, 22. März 2019

Der internationale CCC (Catalysts Coding Contest) geht am 22. März 2019 in die nächste Runde! Der Wettbewerb findet zum dritten Mal an der AAU Klagenfurt statt, organisiert von der Technischen Fakultät und unterstützt vom Institut für Informatikdidaktik.

Der Hauptbewerb findet Freitag nachmittags von 15-19 Uhr im HS B der AAU Klagenfurt statt. Die Aufgaben selbst können in einer Programmiersprache freier Wahl und auch zu zweit oder zu dritt in Teams bewältigt werden. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, jedoch ist die Anzahl an Plätzen beschränkt und daher ersuchen wir Interessierte, sich bald über die Homepage des Bewerbs anzumelden. Unter allen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern werden etliche Preise ausgelobt und auch interessante bzw. neue Kontakte können nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

Weitere Informationen sind direkt auf der Webseite des CCC zu finden. Informationen über die lokale Veranstaltung sind hier zu finden.

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Forgetful, shortsighted demons in wireless communications (in Kooperation mit der Lakeside Labs GmbH)

Harun Siljak, PhD | February 26, 2019 | 15:30 | B04.1.114 (Lakeside B04, Eingang b, 1. Stock)


The common theme of results presented in this talk is control of complex systems in wireless communications subject to information loss, either because of noise/equipment limitations or because of the controller’s inability to wait long enough or see far enough. Can we reconstruct the past and/or predict the future based on imperfect information and why would we want to do it in the first place?


Harun Siljak obtained his BoE and MoE degrees in control engineering from University of Sarajevo in 2010 and 2012, respectively, and his PhD in electrical engineering from International Burch University Sarajevo in 2015. After working at International Burch University and Bell Labs Ireland, he joined Trinity College Dublin as an EDGE Marie Curie Fellow in 2017 to work on his project on complexity and control in distributed massive MIMO. His research interests include physics of computation, reversibility, wave propagation and nonlinear dynamics. His other interests include popular science and science fiction writing, as well as collaborations with artists and writers.

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Flex: Trainee (m/w) im Bereich Business Excellence

Auf nach Kärnten. Internationale Karrierechancen und ein Wohlfühlklima mit familiärem Zusammenhalt bei einem der besten Arbeitgeber Österreichs. Für den Standort Althofen in Kärnten suchen wir eine/n

Trainee (m/w) im Bereich Business Excellence

auch studienbegleitend bzw. als Teilzeitstelle (20-30 h) möglich

Wenn Sie im Rahmen Ihres Studiums Ihren Schwerpunkt auf das Fachgebiet Informations- management, Produktions- und Logistikmanagement oder Industrielogistik gelegt haben, dann ist Flex Ihr „place to be“.

Wir richten uns an Berufseinsteiger oder Praktikanten, die Ihr erworbenes Fachwissen in vielseitigen und spannende Projekten im Bereich Industrial Engineering/Lean Supply Chain ein- fließen lassen.

Wenn Sie sich für uns entscheiden, werden Sie folgenden Bereich mitgestalten:

  • Process Screening auf Basis von Echtzeitdaten
  • Erstellung einer Anforderungsmatrix an die Bereitstellung der tatsächlichen Durchlaufzeiten eines Prozesses
  • Verfügbarkeitsanalyse der Daten auf Basis der Anforderungsmatrix
  • Auswertung der Daten (Zuverlässigkeit Prozess)
  • Erstellung einer Anforderungsmatrix zur Visualisierung dieser Daten


Von Medizin bis Industrial/Consumer Produkten, Großmaschinenfertigung bis Kleinstmodulen, sowie „Werkstattfertigung“ (build to order/configure to order) bis Fließfertigung.

Wir bieten:

  • Eine interessante und herausfordernde Tätigkeit in einem internationalen Unternehmen
  • Ein KV Bruttomonatsgehalt laut der Beschäftigungsgruppe E lt. Kollektiv Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie mit der Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung je nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen, die Sie bitte per E-Mail an Frau Gerda Reif ( senden.

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Sensolligent: Praktikant (m / w) für die Bereiche Marketing & Office [Vergeben]

[Update, 27. Feb 2019: diese Stelle wurde bereits vergeben und bitte nicht mehr bewerben]

Wir sind ein junges, aufstrebendes Startup Unternehmen und suchen Verstärkung in den Bereichen Marketing & Office. Sensolligent entwickelt individuelle Simulatoren zur Prozessoptimierung in der Industrie.

Wir suchen eine/n

Praktikant (m / w) für die Bereiche Marketing & Office


Deine Aufgaben:

  • Unterstützung bei der Planung und Umsetzung der Marketingaktivitäten im Daily Business
  • Marktforschung & CRM
  • Unterstützung bei der Herstellung von Werbemitteln
  • Erstellen von Texten für den Social Media Bereich
  • Unterstützung bei allgemeinen Büroarbeiten

Du überzeugst mit:

  • Kenntnissen in Photoshop und WordPress
  • Freude daran Neues zu lernen und Projekte mitzugestalten
  • Sehr guten Deutsch- und Englischkenntnissen (in Wort und Schrift)
  • Selbstständiger und strukturierter Arbeitsweise
  • Flexibilität, Engagement und Einsatzbereitschaft
  • Erster Praxiserfahrung (wünschenswert, aber kein Muss)

Wir überraschen mit:

  • € 1.100,00 Brutto Monatsgehalt bei einer 38,5h Woche
  • Flexiblen Arbeitszeiten
  • Sozialen Leistungen: medizinische Massagen, Snacks und Getränke

Haben wir Dein Interesse geweckt? Wir freuen uns auf Deine motivierten und aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (bevorzugt per E-Mail an

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Random Matrix Theory in Array Signal Processing: Application Examples

Prof. Xavier Mestre | February 25, 2019 | 11:00 | S.1.42


Conventional tools in array signal processing have traditionally relied on the availability of a large number of samples acquired at each sensor or array element (antenna, hydrophone, microphone, etc.). Large sample size assumptions typically guarantee the consistency of estimators, detectors, classifiers and multiple other widely used signal processing procedures. However, practical scenario and array mobility conditions, together with the need for low latency and reduced scanning times, impose strong limits on the total number of observations that can be effectively processed. When the number of collected samples per sensor is small, conventional large sample asymptotic approaches are not relevant anymore. Recently, large random matrix theory tools have been proposed in order to address the small sample support problem in array signal processing. In fact, it has been shown that the most important and longstanding problems in this field can be reformulated and studied according to this asymptotic paradigm. By exploiting the latest advances in large random matrix theory and high dimensional statistics, a novel and unconventional methodology can be established, which provides an unprecedented treatment of the finite sample-per-sensor regime. In this talk, we will see that random matrix theory establishes a unifying framework for the study of array signal processing techniques under the constraint of a small number of observations per sensor, which has radically changed the way in which array processing methodologies have been traditionally established. We will show how this unconventional way of revisiting classical array processing has lead to major advances in the design and analysis of signal processing techniques for multidimensional observations.


Xavier Mestre received the MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 1997 and 2002 respectively and the Licenciate Degree in Mathematics in 2011. During the pursuit of his PhD, he was recipient of a 1998-2001 PhD scholarship (granted by the Catalan Government) and was awarded the 2002 Rosina Ribalta second prize for the best doctoral thesis project within areas of Information Technologies and Communications by the Epson Iberica foundation. From January 1998 to December 2002, he was with UPC’s Communications Signal Processing Group, where he worked as a Research Assistant and participated actively in several European-funded projects. In January 2003 he joined the Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia (CTTC), where he currently holds a position as a Senior Research Associate and head of the Advanced Signal and Information Processing Department. During this time, he has actively participated in 8 European projects and two ESA contracts. He has been coordinator of the European ICT project EMPhAtiC (2012-15) and has participated in 6 industrial contracts, some of which have lead to commercialized products. He is author of three granted patents, 9 book chapters, 41 international journal papers and more than 90 articles in international conferences. He has been associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2008-11, 2015-present) and associate co-editor of the special issue on Cooperative Communications in Wireless Networks at the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. He is IEEE Senior member and elected member of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multi-channel Signal Processing technical committee (2013-2018) and the EURASIP Special Area Teams on “Theoretical and  Methodological Trends in Signal Processing” (2015-present) and “Signal Processing in Communications” (2018-present). He has participated in the organization of multiple conferences and scientific events, such as the “IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2018″ (general vice-chair), the “IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications” (technical chair), the “European Wireless 2014″ (general co-chair), the “European Signal Processing Conference 2011″ (general technical chair), the “IEEE Winter School on Information Theory” 2011 (general co-chair), the “Summer School on Random Matrix Theory for Wireless Communications” 2006 (general chair). He is general chair of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2020.


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Sensolligent: Software Entwickler (m/w)

Mach uns ein unmoralisches Angebot!*

We are hiring!

Software Entwickler (m / w)


“Must have”: Erfahrung in mindestens einer Objektorientierter Programmiersprache (z.B. Java / C# / Python), Fähigkeit sowohl eigenständig, als auch im Team zu arbeiten, Fähigkeit sich schnell in neue Technologien ein zu arbeiten, Bewusstsein für Dringlichkeit (Sense of urgency), flexibel im Umgang mit verschiedenen Technologien. “Nice to have”: Erfahrung in C# (Mono), mit Unity, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, 3D Modeling Software (Blender) “Perfect to have”: HLSL/Cg (shader Programmierung), fundierte Kenntnisse in Unity (selber schon “Groß”-Projekte gemeistert), Erfahrung mit Unity Optimierungen (Wie funktioniert Unity intern, wie kann ich das nutzen / optimieren…)


*Mindestgehalt lt. Kollektivvertrag: € 2.393,00 (bei einer 38,5 h Woche)

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Sensolligent GmbH neues Mitglied beim Förderverein Technische Fakultät

Sensolligent ist ein junges StartUp mit Sitz im Lakeside Park Klagenfurt. Nach nur einem Jahr Betrieb ist das Team von 4 Gründern zu einem Team von 20 Sensolligent Teamplayern angewachsen. Ein zweites Office außerhalb von Österreich ist noch im Jahr 2019 geplant.

Sensolligent stellt digitale Zwillinge (virtuelle Clone) von Fertigungsanlagen in der Industrie her. Die Zwillinge können für die unterschiedlichsten Einsatzgebiete konfiguriert werden:

  • AI Trainingsstation
  • Prozessoptimierung
  • Anlagen Beobachtung überall und immer
  • Platzmanagement
  • Marketing und Verkauf

Dabei ist die endgültige Visualisierung abhängig vom Kundenwunsch, hier bietet Sensolligent folgende Lösungen an: VR via Oculus Rift oder HCT VIVE; AR via Hololens oder mobile devices oder Desktop-Lösungen.

Sensolligent GmbH
Lakeside Park B07b
9020 Klagenfurt

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DevOne 2019 – Developer and Ops conference – Linz/Austria – 11. April 2019

DevOne is an international conference hosted in Linz, Upper Austria. Our over 600 attendees are a diverse mix of developers, engineers, and many other cool people. Audience skills span from intermediate to expert.

In our third year, our mission is to embrace change. To grow, to scale, to let in new technology as it transforms us as people. By inviting engineers from all over the world who found solutions to problems beyond our imagination.

DevOne in a nutshell:

Speakers Line-up:

  • Emily Freeman – Azure Advocate, Microsoft
  • Adrian Hornsby – Developer Advocate, AWS
  • Carmen Andoh – Infrastructure Engineer, Travis CI
  • Heidi Waterhouse – Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly
  • and many more…

It’s time to look for new horizons! 

P.S. We are looking for creative proposals about hot topic talks in the field of continuous delivery, programming, security, and IoT. Please find further information about becoming a DevOne speaker in our submission form. This CFP closes on February 1, 2019.

We are looking forward to seeing you 🙂


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Developing and Evolving a DSL-Based Approach for Runtime Monitoring of Systems of Systems

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Rick Rabiser | February 7, 2019 | 10:00 | S.2.42


Complex software-intensive systems are often described as systems of systems (SoS) due to their heterogeneous architectural elements. As SoS behavior is often only understandable during operation, runtime monitoring is needed to detect deviations from requirements. Today, while diverse monitoring approaches exist, most do not provide what is needed to monitor SoS, e.g., support for dynamically defining and deploying diverse checks across multiple systems. In this talk, I will describe our experiences of developing, applying, and evolving an approach for monitoring an SoS in the domain of industrial automation software, that is based on a domain-specific language (DSL). I will first describe our initial approach to dynamically define and check constraints in SoS at runtime, including a demo of our monitoring tool REMINDS, and then motivate and describe its evolution based on requirements elicited in an industry collaboration project. I will furthermore describe solutions we have developed to support the evolution of our approach, i.e., a code generation approach and a framework to automate testing the DSL after changes. We evaluated the expressiveness and scalability of our new DSL-based approach using an industrial SoS. At the end of the talk, I will also present general lessons we learned and give an overview of other projects in the area of software monitoring as well as other areas such as software product lines, that I am currently involved in.


Rick Rabiser ( is currently a senior researcher at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Monitoring and Evolution of Very-Large-Scale Software Systems (VLSS) at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. In this lab, he heads the research module on requirements-based monitoring and diagnosis in VLSS evolution, with Primetals Technologies Austria as industry partner. He holds a Master’s and a Ph.D. degree in Business Informatics as well as the venia docendi (Habilitation) in Practical Computer Science from Johannes Kepler University Linz. His research interests include but are not limited to variability management, software maintenance and evolution, systems and software product lines, automated software engineering, requirements engineering, requirements monitoring, and usability and user interface design. Dr. Rabiser co-authored over 120 (peer-reviewed) publications; served in 80+ program committees and 25+ conference and workshop organization committees; and frequently reviews articles for several international journals like IEEE TSE, IEEE TSC, ACM CSUR, EMSE, JSS, and IST. He is also a member of the steering committee of the Euromicro SEAA conference series and a member of the Euromicro Board of Directors (Director for Austria) and the Euromicro Executive Office (Publicity Secretary). He is also an elected member of the steering committee of the International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC). He currently is the speaker of computer scientists at JKU Linz, who are not full professors (Fachbereichssprecher Mittelbau Informatik).

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Effective model-based approaches for automated software testing

Prof. Giorgio Brajnik | January 23, 2019 | 11:00 | N.1.42 (Germanistik)


Testing lies at the heart of software development. Tightly woven with requirements engineering, the testing process influences how software is developed and its quality.  With adoption of agile and devops approaches, the continuous testing process has to rely on a testing strategy that is multi-level and has to balance test automation and exploratory testing.  Because so many things need to be tested, and because the system under test changes very often and rapidly, effectiveness and sustainability of the testing process is a must.

I will present an approach for automating end-to-end testing that is based on UML specifications of the behavior of the system and a toolkit that automatically generates source code supporting definition of high level test cases and related artifacts. In this way, a software development team can avoid dealing with low level details and focus instead on what needs to be tested, what test conditions need to be covered, how test results affect requirements coverage. This kind of information constitutes then a living documentatio of the system specification which can be used to guide exploratory testing. Such an approach is currently being used in mobile apps (in the area of workforce management) and web apps (in the financial domain).


Giorgio Brajnik is associate professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Udine, Italy. He holds a degree in Computer Science (from the University of Udine) and a PhD in Computer Science (from the University of Manchester). After working on information search systems, since 1999 his focus is on methods for effective assessment of accessibility and quality of websites and web applications and more recently on model-based techniques for analysis of user interfaces.

At the university he teaches courses on object oriented programming and accessibility and user centered web development.  In ’92 and ’95-’96 he was visiting scholar at the University of Texas at Austin. He has been invited lecturer, panelist and visiting professor in Europe, the U.S. and New Zealand. He participated to several of the W3C working groups dealing with accessibility. He also supervised the development of accessibility testing tools when he was working with a company he cofounded, Usablenet Inc.  Currently he is scientific advisor for Interaction Design Solutions, a startup company he co-founded that is specialized on model-driven techniques for software system testing.

He is program committee member of several conferences, including the International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility and ACM Assets, for which he was co-chair of the Doctoral Consortium  and also General Chair; he is regular reviewer for several journals. Additional details are available at

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