Mitarbeiter:in IT-Sicherheit / Cyber Security (m/w/d)

Möchten Sie folgende Aufgaben übernehmen?

  • Kontinuierliche Überprüfung der Infrastrukturlandschaft auf mögliche Risiken
  • ​Sicherstellung von „up to date“ IT-Security Tools und Lösungen
  • Ansprechpartner für alle relevanten Themen der IT-Security
  • Erstellung und Prüfung von strategischen und technischen Konzepten zur Sicherstellung der IT-Sicherheit
  • Einbringung der IT-Sicherheitsexpertise im Team in den unterschiedlichen Phasen der Projekte
  • Entwicklung und Verbesserung von Desaster Recovery Plänen und Testszenarien
  • Analyse von Sicherheitsvorfällen und Ableitung von Gegen- und Verbesserungsmaßnahmen​
  • Überwachung der Einhaltung von gesetzlichen und unternehmensrelevanten Datenschutz- und Informationssicherheitsvorschriften​

Überzeugen Sie uns fachlich und persönlich

  • Betriebssystem- und Netzwerkkenntnisse von Vorteil
  • 2-3 jährige Erfahrung im Bereich IT-Sicherheit
  • Verständnis von Infrastrukturkomponenten (Netzwerk, Storage, etc.)
  • Analytische- und mathematische Fähigkeiten
  • Englischkenntnisse
  • Teamfähigkeit und Selbständigkeit

Weitere Informationen zur Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier!

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A Game of Chess is Like a Swordfight: Melee Combat and the Dramatical Ideal in Contemporary Tabletop Gaming

Friday, June 30, 2023 | 07:30 pm (CET) | Room: O.0.01 (Stiftungsgebäude) | AAU Klagenfurt

Sen.-Scientist Dr. Felix Schniz, BA MA | AAU Klagenfurt

Abstract: The simulation of melee combat is central to many contemporary and traditional strategic games and simulations. In order to elevate this element of play from mere exercises of stats-comparison and dice rolling to a meaningful experience of play, strategy games rely on a rich plethora of cultural motives as deciding factors of their mechanic design. On the example of Samurai-themed skirmishing games, my talk elaborates on the impact that (popular) culture and other inspirations have on gaming experiences. It provides concrete examples from Japanese history, its traditional cinema, and postmodern Western reflections of Japanese cultural practices. Based on these insights, it compares four tabletop strategy games, muses on which phenomena they have adapted in their mechanics, and asks why or why not they may succeed in capturing a cultural essence via their rules.

Ultimately, this comparative approach shall serve to decipher the interplay of dice mechanics and aesthetic properties as the longing for a dramatic ideal in tabletop gaming and encourage participants to reflect on the idea in a subsequent, shared gaming experience.

Bio: Felix Schniz is the co-founder and programme director of the master’s programme Game Studies and Engineering at Universität Klagenfurt, Austria. His research focuses on experiences in virtual worlds, promenadology, genre theory, and the subjective quality of the medium videogame.

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Miniatures Design for Tabletop Games

Friday, June 30, 2023 | 07:00 pm (CET) | Room: O.0.01 (Stiftungsgebäude) | AAU Klagenfurt

Ben Calvert-Lee

Abstract: Exploring the development and production pipelines for miniatures in the tabletop wargaming industry. Including a look at the career route taken by the speaker, a case study on developing anatomical archetypes for consistent design outcomes, and a brief look at the various production methods available to the industry.

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From mind to Meta. How to Expand on a Game while Breaking the Mold

Friday, June 30, 2023 | 06:30 pm (CET) | Room: O.0.01 (Stiftungsgebäude) | AAU Klagenfurt

Skerolf Dickinger | Implementation Lead @ Takeda Manufacturing AG

Abstract: How does a development team expand on an already existing game?
We will look at the two community driven and committee led expansions to the abandoned Tabletop game ‚GuildBall‘ and explore the stages of development that the game went through. The art and lore driven approach employed will show us how rough sketches and concept ideas become a fully fledged ruleset and ultimately miniatures that can be put on the table. We will also explore pitfalls in rules design like over complicating abilities, the lack of streamlining across the game or simply creating expansions who break the game instead of the mold.

Bio: Computer and Information Sciences at Paris Lodron University of Salzburg.

Programmer and Business Analyst at KHG Software Regau and DBA / Local IT Support Lead at Infoscore Austria GmbH.

After 9 years Systems Analyst and development to Senior Systems Analyst (Baxter / Baxalta / Shire / Takeda) Implementation Lead (Digital Quality & EHS / Lab Systems) at Takeda Manufacturing AG since 2021 responsible for Agile Leadership for ongoing implementation projects, Implementation Coordination, Technical review of AWS environment and Onboarding of external agile project management resources.

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Beyond NP: Reasoning with Quantified Boolean Formulas

Friday, June 16, 2023 | 12:30 pm (CET) | Room: S.2.69 | Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt Martina Seidl | Institute for Symbolic Artificial Intelligence | JKU Linz

Abstract: As the prototypical NP-complete problem SAT, the decision problem of propositional logic, is considered to be hard. Despite this hardness, SAT is very successfully applied in many practical domains, because very powerful reasoning techniques are available. There are, however, problems that cannot be efficiently encoded in SAT. For such problems, formalisms with decision problems beyond NP are necessary. One of such formalisms are quantified Boolean formulas (QBFs), the extension of propositional logic with existential and universal quantifiers over the Boolean variables. The QBF decision problem is PSPACE-complete, making QBF well suitable for encoding and solving many problems from formal verification, synthesis, and artificial intelligence. In this talk, we give a short tour through recent developments in QBF solving.

Bio: Martina Seidl is a full professor of artificial intelligence at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz. She obtained her PhD from TU Wien where she worked several years in the Business Informatics Group. In 2010,  she became assistant professor and in 2016 associate professor at the Institute for Formal Models and Verification of the JKU.  Since 2020 she is head of the Institute for Symbolic Artificial Intelligence. In her research, she develops symbolic reasoning techniques based on computational logic. She especially focuses on the theory and practice of quantified Boolean formulas (QBFs) and their applications in the context of formal verification and artificial intelligence.

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Analysis of Photovoltaic Systems‘ TVET in Palestine

Thursday, June 22, 2023 | 10:00 am (CET) | Room: HS 9 | Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt

Priv.Doz. Tamer Khatib, MSc. PhD.

Abstract: This talks presents a mapping of technical vocational education and training (TVET) for photovoltaic (PV) systems in Palestine. A comprehensive analysis of PV system TVET courses as well as PV system market in Palestine will be presented in this talk. This analysis covers the content of PV TVET courses, the ability of courses’ trainers, training tools and labs, required skills as well as the ability of TVET graduates.  Moreover, feedback from photovoltaic system’s experts as well as owners and users of PV systems (corporate size) will be presented. Finally future required topics for training are predicted based on market analysis. Moreover, future jobs in the field of photovoltaic system are predicted as well.

Bio: Tamer is researcher in photovoltaic power systems. He holds a B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from An-Najah National University (ANNU), as well as a M.Sc. degree and a Ph.D degree in electrical, electronic and systems engineering from National University of Malaysia (UKM). In addition he holds Habilitation degree in renewable and sustainable energy from Alpen Adria Universitat (AAU).

Currently he is an Associate professor of renewable energy and Director of Scientific Centers at ANNU. In addition to that, he is the director of An-Najah Company for Consultancy and Technical Studies (sister research company of ANNU). So far, he has 2 patents, 4 books and 140 research articles, while his current h-index is 40. He has supervised 4 Ph.D researches, 22 master researches and 60 bachelor researches.

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App-Entwicklung als Karriere: Was kommt nach dem Abschluss?

Dienstag, 20. Juni 2023 | 10:00 Uhr | HS 10 | Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Kevin Chromik | iOS Entwickler bei

Abstract: In diesem Gastvortrag wird Kevin über seine persönliche Karriere als Absolvent des Studiengangs Informations-management an der Universität Klagenfurt sprechen. Er teilt seine Erfahrungen als Mobile Entwickler in der Praxis und gibt Einblicke in seine Arbeit als Teilzeit-YouTuber. Die Zuhörer erwartet eine interessante Reise durch Kevins Karriere und ein tieferer Einblick in die Welt der mobilen Entwicklung bei verschiedenen Unternehmen, wie die Zukunft der Softwareentwicklung aussehen kann und wie er parallel einen YouTube-Kanal für IT-Interessierte aufgebaut hat.

Bio: Kevin Chromik ist ein engagierter IT-Fachmann, spezialisiert auf iOS-Entwicklung. Nach seinem Masterabschluss in Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt im Jahr 2016, arbeitet er seit 10 Jahren in der IT-Branche, aktuell als Senior iOS Entwickler bei, einem etablierten TV Streaming Anbieter.

Außerhalb seiner Haupttätigkeit ist Kevin als YouTuber aktiv, wo er Tutorials zur Softwareentwicklung erstellt und tiefe Einblicke in die IT-Karrierewelt bietet. Darüber hinaus produziert er Videos für große Marken als Auftragsarbeiten und hat sich eine Social-Media-Followerschaft von rund 50.000 Menschen aufgebaut. Kevin lebt und arbeitet in München und ist stets darauf bedacht, seine Expertise und Erfahrungen zu teilen.

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Best of both worlds: Combining deep neural networks with statistical state estimators

Thursday, June 22, 2023 | 09:00 am (CET) | Room: B04.1.06 | Lakeside Science & Technology Park

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Jan Steinbrener | Department of Smart System Technologies (Control of Networked Systems group) at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become an important tool in many fields of applications from image recognition to natural language processing and beyond, often outperforming human experts in their domains. Compared to heuristic, expert algorithms or shallow machine learning models, DNNs benefit from better prediction accuracy and better generalizability to unseen data. This comes at the cost of resource and data-intensive training of these models and a black-box-like behavior that does not provide information about underlying reasoning or uncertainty of the predictions. In robotics, DNNs have been successfully applied to diverse tasks such as state estimation, path planning, and control for various different platforms. This talk will explore the application of deep neural networks for sensor data processing with a particular focus on state estimation for robotic applications. End-to-end trainable deep neural networks that directly predict the desired state based on raw sensory inputs as well as hybrid models where the predictions of the DNNs are fused with other sensor data in a statistical state estimator will be discussed. Finally, strategies how to quantify model and task-based uncertainties of DNN predictions with the goal to improve the consistency of DNN-based state estimators will be presented.

Bio: Jan Steinbrener is an assistant professor on a tenure track position in the Control of Networked Systems group (CNS) at the University of Klagenfurt. He obtained his PhD in Physics in 2010 from Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, NY USA. After his PhD, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for medical research in Heidelberg, Germany, and then spent 5 years working in industry developing medical x-ray machines at Siemens Healthcare in Erlangen, Germany. Before joining CNS in 2019, he worked as a senior researcher at the Carinthian Tech Research Centre (now Silicon Austria Labs) in Villach Austria.

His current research focuses on combining machine learning approaches with classical methods for state estimation and navigation of autonomous systems. He has authored or co-authored more than 40 peer reviewed publications on novel imaging systems, image processing and reconstruction techniques, applied machine learning, machine learning algorithm development, and combination of machine learning with classical filters for state estimation. He currently holds 2 patents on image processing techniques.

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Life Cycle Assessments and Ecodesign to reduce CO2 Footprints

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 | 01:00 pm (CET) | Room: Z.1.09 | | Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Dr. Michael Has | University of Grenoble

Abstract: The impact of climate change to biosphere and the human civilization living therein are widely discussed as is the need to reduce the consumption of energy and materials – measured in footprints. Despite of that the means on how to reduce footprints and the difficulties going along with that are lesser discussed.
The assessment of CO2 Footprints during all phases of its production and existence (Life Cycle Assessment) is embedded in the legally required of non-financial reporting for companies. This talk is intended to provide background on non-financial reporting and how that relates to footprints and risks. Of course reporting is not l´art pour l´art. It is intended to reduce the impact of an activity – Ecodesign and it impacts the value of companies. The intent is to discuss in more detail how reporting is done, how (CO2-) Footprints are derived, ways to reduce footprints and how the related activities influence the value of companies. 

Bio: Following apprenticeships Has studied physics at the University of Regensburg. In 1992 he received his doctorate on his work in the field of biophysics.  Has also attended the INSEAD Business School in Fontainebleau, France. He spent the initial part of his industrial career at FOGRA delivering industrial research in the field of new technology analysis, consulting, offset and digital print, digital workflows and Color Management. Has founded the predecessor organization of the International Color Consortium (ICC, Reston, Virginia), whose first technical secretary he became.

In 1998 he received his habilitation from the University of Grenoble. Since 1998 he serves as Distinguished Professor in the fields of future technology, business – and portfolio strategy, circular economy and sustainability at University of Grenoble. From 1998 until 2020 Has worked with Canon where he has held senior and executive positions in R & D, marketing and strategic planning and product design.  

Has was active in various scientific advisory boards, held board positions and worked as business advisor in start-up companies. His work on industrial development led to numerous publications and patents. 

Stimulated by a long stay with indigenous populations in Canada Has was and is active in the field of human rights for minorities: He was board member of the Society for Threatened Peoples, Göttingen, and the World Uranium Hearing, Munich. Today he chairs the board of trustees of the foundation Vielfalt der Kulturen der Welt, Göttingen. As such he dealt with the impact tourism, resource conservation and consequences of mining and waste disposal. In connection with his professional work in the printing industry, these interests led him to work, publications and research in the fields of sustainability and the circular economy (eg for the World Economic Forum, Davos, and scientific and commercial conferences on circular economy). 

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Communications and Power: Two Sides of One Tapestry

Monday, April 17, 2023 | 04:00 pm (CET) | Room: HS 3 | | Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Prof. Bruno Clerckx | Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Imperial College London

Abstract: Radio waves carry both energy and information simultaneously. Nevertheless, radio-frequency (RF) transmissions of these quantities have traditionally been treated separately. Future wireless networks will experience a paradigm shift, namely, unifying wireless transmission of information and power to make the best use of the RF spectrum and radiation as well as the network infrastructure for the dual purpose of communicating and energizing. Such networks will enable trillions of future low-power devices to sense, compute, connect, and energize anywhere, anytime, and on the move. The design of such future networks brings new challenges and opportunities for RF, communications, signal processing, machine learning, sensing, and computing. In this talk, I give an overview progress in laying the foundations of the envisioned dual-purpose networks by establishing a signal theory and design for wireless information and power transmission (WIPT) and identifying the fundamental tradeoff between conveying information and power wirelessly.

Bio: Bruno Clerckx is a (Full) Professor, the Head of the Wireless Communications and Signal Processing Lab, and the Deputy Head of the Communications and Signal Processing Group, within the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Imperial College London, London, U.K. He is also the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) where he is responsible for all research areas of Austria’s top research center for electronic based systems.

He received the MSc and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, and the Doctor of Science (DSc) degree from Imperial College London, U.K. Prior to joining Imperial College in 2011, he was with Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea, where he actively contributed to 4G (3GPP LTE/LTE-A and IEEE 802.16m). He has authored two books on “MIMO Wireless Communications” and “MIMO Wireless Networks”, 250 peer-reviewed international research papers, and 150 standards contributions, and is the inventor of 80 issued or pending patents among which 15 have been adopted in the specifications of 4G standards and are used by billions of devices worldwide. His research spans the general area of wireless communications and signal processing for wireless networks. He received the prestigious Blondel Medal 2021 from France for exceptional work contributing to the progress of Science and Electrical and Electronic Industries, the 2021 Adolphe Wetrems Prize in mathematical and physical sciences from Royal Academy of Belgium, multiple awards from Samsung, IEEE best student paper award, and the EURASIP (European Association for Signal Processing) best paper award 2022. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the IET, and an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.

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